

Outfit | Camo!

Jacket: Zara
Shirt: H&M (Mens department)
Jeans: G-Star
Necklace: Unknown
Belt: local boutique
Watch: Triwa
Shoes: All Stars


Last week's Instadiary

Some pics of my wedding. More on my Instagram: @myscrambledstyle

Selection of last week's Instagram pics:
My favourite beanie with ears :-)/ Starbucks Christmas decoration/ New jumper and skirt/ My blog on the Nola Nova site/ New stuff in my shop Oh So HIP/ H&M order/ Dutch winter/ Our Christmas tree/ First snow in Holland


Last week's Instadiary

Sinterklaas presents for my niece & nephew/ Arm candy/ New iPhone :-)/Arm candy/ My new Snoopy iPhone case/ Sequins for my shop Oh So HIP/ My Lab/ High Tea/ Classic nail polish